- Can Campus Carriers deliver to an off-campus address in Savannah?
- What is Campus Carriers?
- What services are offered?
- What does the price include?
- Will my belongings be insured with Campus Carriers?
- I live off-campus now, can I sign-up for the Campus Carriers service?
Placing a Reservation
- SCAD November Pick Up and Winter Break Storage
- SCAD November Pick Up and Winter Quarter Storage
- Short-Term Storage for Students Enrolled in Summer Quarter at SCAD
- Top 10 Reasons to Choose Campus Carriers
- Request a quote for an item not on our list of Oversized Items
- Learn why sharing a Reservation is NOT recommended
Preparing for Pick Up of Your Belongings
- Some Common Questions about Move-out
- Here are the "Next Steps" to follow for your Moving and Summer Storage Reservation
- Instructions for Labeling Your Items
- How to add items to your Reservation
- Distribution of boxes and packing tape (also known as Material Distribution)
- Removing an Item from your Reservation